Fresh Bistro. Drunken Brunch Joy in a Seattle Bloody Mary.


Let me tell you about the great joys of a delicious bloody mary.  A salty craving appeased by a zippy bite and radiating heat.  A burning vodka accompanied by a soothing sweet tomato puree.  Yes, the joys of a delicious bloody mary are like stumbling upon a long searched for oasis amidst a fog of mirages.   And as a dedicated bloody mary enthusiast, this journey is both my blessing and burden.  I have only just begun my search for the great Seattle bloody marys, but in my short time here, I've found that they have only been, eh, alright.  Nothing bad to say really, but nothing inspiring either.  So when I happened upon Fresh Bistro, it was as if the celery salt seas had parted, revealing a glowing crimson wellspring of drunken brunch joy. Fresh Bistro Bloody Mary Seattle

Surprisingly, Fresh Bistro is not on any of these "Seattle's best bloody mary lists," but they really, really should be.  Described as "House Infused Thai Chili Vodka, House Made Bloody Mix, Kimchi Salted Rim, Sriracha Pickled Apple," this $8 Seattle bloody mary brings a serious complexity of flavors.  Acidic but savory, light in texture but full-bodied in flavor, a moderate spice combo of both horseradish and chili pepper... basically every bloody mary descriptor I can think of is in here.  I'd never had a sriracha pickled apple before and, though it wasn't my cup of tea (vinegar ain't really my thing), I could see people being super into it.  The pickled asparagus had a hint of sweetness, and the seasoned salt rim was fragrant and peppery, though I'm not sure what exactly made it "Kimchi."

Hash Brown Brunch, Fresh Bistro Seattle

Braised Pork Belly Banh Mi Sandwich, Fresh Bistro, Seattle

The food was also damn good and lived up to the "fresh" part of Fresh Bistro.  Though the hash browns gave me terrifying flashbacks of my month long rosti and white wine diet while living in captivity at a Geneva airport hotel... Story for another time.

4 Celery Stalks

Fresh Bistro 4725 42nd Avenue Southwest, Seattle, WA 98116 T: (206) 935-3733

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