Breakfast Happy Hour at Lost Lake Cafe - Seattle
1505 10th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122 (206) 323-5678 |
24 hour diners hold a very special place in my heart. Lost Lake Cafe is the kind of place where you can still get early bird specials like a Cheeseburger and Fries for $2.99, a breakfast sandwich for just $3.25,and a pint-sized bloody mary for a solid five bucks. But if you don’t happen to wake up that early, just upgrade to the “Lost Lake Mary” with Capitol Hill’s Oola Pepper vodka, house pickled veggies, and a celery salted rim. The pepper vodka may seem a bit strange at first but trust me, it grows on you. Price: regularly $8, $5 from 6 - 9am M- F; add $2 for Lost Lake
Why go? Breakfast Happy Hour.
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