Recap: The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast NYC


New York City was a non-stop week of drunken 10 am meetings, celebrity-ish sightings and of course, a hell of a lot of bloody marys.  The Bloody Mary Liberation Party knows how to throw a good party, and Saturday's Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast was no different.  I had the pleasure of imbibing bloody marys from Hoboken Mary, Congress Bar, The Murph's Famous, McClure's, Ubons and The Bloody Mary Liberation Party's own mix.  The DT Crew rolled deep, tattooing (temporarily) as many bloody mary enthusiasts as we could get our hands on, including one very lucky lady who rocked a beautiful tramp stamp courtesy of The Drunken Tomato herself. Now I'm pretty sure I need a solid 7 day juice cleanse.  But I will definitely see you again in April, New York.

Get Tatted with The Drunken TomatoHoboken Mary at the Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast Hoboken Mary at the Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast Hoboken Mary at the Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast Ubons at the Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast Ubons at the Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast Ubons at the Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast Congress Bar at The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast THE MURPH at The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast THE MURPH at The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast McClures at The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast 2015 15 Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast 2015 16The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast

The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast

The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast

The Bloody Mary and Oyster Feast